What there is to be said about the corona virus and what is to be considered as fundamental:

For all highly contagious diseases the same thing always applies: Avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation and large crowds whenever possible and stay at home rather than exposing yourself to the risk of infection.

What is the origin of the corona virus and what exactly is it?

The corona virus, or Sars-CoV-2, is a mutation of the well-known SARS virus, which in turn claimed around 1000 officially confirmed lives during the 2002/2003 epidemic. 

Carriers of the SARS virus, which corresponds to a corona virus strain, are the Chinese horseshoe bat, but they themselves do not contract the disease and are immune to the virus.

The current Sars-Cov-2 virus, or the Corona virus as it is popularly called, was accidentally and unintentionally spread and released from 2 secret laboratories in Wuhan. 

Two of the secret laboratory workers have since died of the new lung disease, whereby these two people spread the corona virus to several other people, causing the disease to spread rapidly.

According to Ptaah, the corona virus, or Sars-CoV-2, which has recently also been called Covid-19, is very life-threatening, especially for Chinese and Southeast Asians, because all Chinese ethnic groups have a completely different immune system than, for example, the Europeans, the English and Eurasians, who have spread, conquering America, Australia and New Zealand, etc., and who have also mixed with the indigenous peoples, resulting in new immune system changes that were stronger or weaker than originally. 

The fact that the immune systems are different from one people to another and that some are more susceptible and others more resistant to diseases and epidemics is not known to the medical scientists on the Earth, Ptaah explained.

Until today (23/02/20) it has officially already claimed 2442 confirmed deaths in China – Ptaah says, however, that the real number is much higher in China as a whole, but this is being concealed – and additionally, there are 19 people worldwide who have died as a result  of the disease.

China itself reports about 77,000 illnesses, whereas outside of China there are 1500 infections active worldwide, but this is not the full truth, as Ptaah also explains in this regard. 

Outside of China, South Korea is the most affected country, with 600 infected persons to date. 

However, as mentioned, it can be assumed that the numbers of infections as well as deaths are much higher and that it is also much more widespread than previously known, because both China and other affected countries are doing everything possible for political and economic reasons to hide the real numbers. 

It can therefore be assumed that Covid-19 is much worse and more dangerous than the SARS epidemic of 2002/2003, contrary to what certain scientists, experts and the WHO have so far claimed.

The corona virus, or Covid-19, is a new type of lung disease for which there are no drugs yet. 

It causes an atypical pneumonia, which is both ‘mild’ and potentially fatal, whereby the mortality rate is particularly high for the Chinese people and their subsequent mixing with other peoples, but other Asian peoples are also much more at risk than Europeans.

 However, Ptaah also said that the virus becomes more aggressive over time and, as a result, will claim many victims among peoples other than the Chinese.

How contagious is the corona virus (Sars-CoV-2) and how long is the incubation period?

The corona virus (Sars-CoV-2) is highly infectious, obviously this is especially true for the Chinese, but also for other Southeast Asian peoples. 

It can be transmitted from person to person as well as through the air or via clothing.

Contrary to the WHO, the incubation period is not 2 weeks, as Ptaah explains, but according to his information, this time can be calculated up to 4 weeks or in certain cases even up to 3 months. 

Those who are Infected for whom the disease has not yet broken out remain potential carriers of the disease during the whole period from infection to healing of the disease – if it breaks out at all – which means that they are contagious throughout the whole time and can transmit the disease to other human beings.

In this respect, it is the same as with HIV, which can also be transmitted by an infected person at any time, even if AIDS has not yet broken out or is not breaking out.

When and with whom does the disease break out?

Whether and when the disease, Covid-2, appears in a person depends on the strength and stability of their immune system. 

As a result of what the Plejaren or Ptaah explained, the immune systems vary from people to people and from race to race.

The current corona virus, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, affects the Chinese and all Southeast Asian countries bordering on China, such as North and South Korea, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Myanmar, Burma, etc. the worst, because the immune system of these peoples reacts less stable against the virus than that of other peoples such as the Europeans, where it is usually milder and causes flu-like or pneumonia-like diseases with a not necessarily fatal course. 

However, if immune deficiencies are already present in Europeans, the corona virus becomes dangerous for them too and can quickly lead to death.

In principle, Ptaah explained that mixtures of peoples should be avoided, above all because they usually have a negative effect on the immune system of the descendants, although in exceptional cases a positive influence is also possible, although this cannot be predicted. 

Every intermixing of human beings of different races inevitably changes the immune system, weakening or strengthening it depending on the circumstances.

 Therefore, the immune system of a member of a people with a stronger and more stable or much weaker immune system can transfer this positively or negatively.

 A weakening can already be caused by a longer or shorter stay in a country whose people have a weaker and more unstable immune system, which is why travelling to faraway countries also entails certain risks in this respect.

How can I protect myself against infection with the corona virus (Sars-CoV-2)?

In this case, reliable protection against infection can only be provided by a full-body protective suit with an independent breathing apparatus, as worn by medical staff during the Ebola epidemic, for example. 

The normal breathing masks, which are used in many countries in Southeast Asia, are of absolutely no use, because the virus is so small that it penetrates these masks as if they were not even present.

The respirator masks used in these countries are only justified against dust and street dirt, which of course makes sense in the overpopulated and large dirty cities. 

Moreover, only a sensible behaviour, as described above as ‘fundamental’, offers a certain protection.

What can be done against the spread of the virus?

The quarantine measures currently in place for returnees from China are completely inadequate in view of the possible transmission times, especially because the isolation period of 2 weeks is much too short.

In addition, the quarantine should be absolutely hermetic, which means that even those persons who come into contact with the suspected cases under quarantine must be protected with full body protection and appropriate respiratory equipment and with the necessary safety precautions such as airlocks etc., because they can not only infect themselves but also spread the virus through their clothing, the air, contact with their bodies and possibly through food.

It would be sensible not to take any nationals of China or neighbouring countries where the virus has already broken out back to their home countries until the virus has been completely eradicated in the affected countries.

Similarly, all affected areas should be hermetically sealed off and all entry into and exit from the restricted areas or affected states should be prevented.

At the very least, it would have to be regulated in such a way that whoever enters a restricted area – for whatever reason – is not allowed to leave until the virus is no longer active and no more diseases and infections can occur.

“A Last minute containment is probably no longer achievable even with all available forces”, said the citizen of Berlin Virologe Christian Drosten on Sunday (Feb. 23) of the German press agency [Deutsche Presse-Agentur] , which is absolutely correct, because it is to be assumed that the virus is spreading worldwide much further than is already the case.

In order to contain the transmission and proliferation of the virus and to prevent it from spreading worldwide, the WHO should have proclaimed a pandemic threat as soon as the first cases of the virus became known and taken the appropriate measures, which would have consisted in sealing off the affected areas, and indeed, in such a manner that no one would have been allowed to enter or leave the country where the virus appeared until it had been eliminated or had become inactive by itself.

 Unfortunately, the WHO, through its hesitant tactics of not treading on anyone’s toes and not making itself unpopular, has not been able to prevent the spread of the virus.

The Plejaren say that a pandemic already starts when an epidemic has caused 100 deaths in one country and at least three infected persons appear abroad.


translated by Michael Uyttebroek Feb.25, 2020


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